Creating the complete digital presence for your business

why businesses must consider all aspects of their online presence:

In the ever growing digital world it is a must now for businesses to create a complete digital presence covering everything from google my business profiles to a professional website.

The cost of all of this hard work can be priceless brining in new customers in from all aspects of the internet.

With an ever changing digital business world there are a range of channels that can help boost brand awareness, enquiries, and most of all sales.

Get your base right!
Where is the first place a potential customer will go to find out more about your business and get that all important confidence? YOUR WEBSITE! Get your base right and build and promote from there.

With so many variables being taken into account by Google now everything from page speed to mobile experince you need to get your base (website) perfect from the start.

Regular website checks can Minimise bounce rates and abandoned checkouts, this can be time consuming but well worth the time.

Use the tools available

Thankfully for small businesses and e-commerce start-ups, there are plenty of tools available to support the reporting and design of websites without the costs of a team of developers.

Meeting user needs

Global consumers are becoming more distrustful of businesses, often due to poor customer service experiences and email spam. Studies suggest 75% of consumers would refuse to buy from a business they don’t trust – regardless of how highly they value the product. Gain trust through reviews and showcasing just how happy your customers have been dealing with you.

The difference between losing and retaining custom can come down to trust, authority and recognisability.

The key is to deliver a safe, secure and consistent presence using all of the points above. Consumers must have the confidence to engage and shop with your business without worrying about security.

Keep it consistent and stable

Where possible, social media channels should also follow the same naming and design guidelines, so users know they’re engaging with an official page.

Businesses must also be able to provide a stable and secure website connection. Downtime or slow response times are likely to deter potential consumers who worry about the website’s credentials.

Use the data

Google Analytics and search console provides very useful platforms for data, letting businesses see where their website traffic has come from and how users are behaving whilst on the website. This information can then be used to improve website design, to help users move around it naturally and optimise calls to action to turn users into leads and sales.


In conclusion all of the points above need to be taken into account during any digital marketing campaign but the main take away point. Get your base (website) right before you start driving traffic to it.